Get the evaluations associated with a project.

Sorting and filtering are supported through query params for categorical columns
and the created_at timestamp.

Sorting is supported for the dataset, config, status and evaluator-{evaluator_id} columns.
Specify sorting with the sort query param, with values {column}.{ordering}.
E.g. ?sort=dataset.asc&sort=status.desc will yield a multi-column sort. First by dataset then by status.

Filtering is supported for the id, dataset, config and status columns.

Specify filtering with the id_filter, dataset_filter, config_filter and status_filter query params.

E.g. ?dataset_filter=my_dataset&dataset_filter=my_other_dataset&status_filter=running
will only show rows where the dataset is "my_dataset" or "my_other_dataset", and where the status is "running".

An additional date range filter is supported for the created_at column. Use the start_date and end_date
query parameters to configure this.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!